We have been blessed on this trip to have a team of professional scientists and photographers. There’s Nadia from Uruguay, who is studying tiny spiderlings, who use the finest of silk threads to fly between continents. They sometimes land on ships – and we know about them because Darwin included them in his notes from the Beagle.

Grant has encyclopoediac knowledge of birds of all sorts and is able to recognise a melodious warbler without reference to the internet or books. There will be some amazing birds on this trip but the unexpected one so far – and his current favourite – is the melodious warbler …..

Rhodri and Tom are capturing the whole adventure – and all the wildlife – on film. They’ll be on board for the whole 2 years of Darwin 200 and have already achieved some completely unbelievable shots.

Here are a couple of the songbirds who drifted out of their normal environment and ended up on our deck (a common reed warbler and a melodious warbler)

Here are the gulls in the early morning light in the bay at Carino

And Manx and Balearic Shearwaters also caught on the wing

Here's a lovely dolphin shot along with a video of them jumping and playing

Here are the whales, starting with the pilot whales and including Grant's all time favourite, the fin whale which looks stunning from the drone, which makes it look as if the whale is leading us out into the open ocean

Along with a beautiful speckled wood butterfly from our afternoon in Carino.

The best place to see the latest shots is the live map on the Darwin website. Go here Global Voyage - Darwin200 and scroll down for the live and interactive map, where you can click on any part of the voyage and see what those on board are seeing that day. Or you can catch up on the videos on the Youtube channel here: Darwin200 - YouTube
The expert team on board have a passion and generosity to share and inspire others, which creates a wonderful atmosphere on board. Huge thanks to you all, Tom, Rhodri, Nadia and Grant 😊
